Since 2009 when Hinckley BID was first elected, the small team have worked hard through challenging times to keep Hinckley ahead of the other Leicestershire Market Towns.
As a consequence of three very successful 5-year terms, local businesses have again voted to give Hinckley BID a further term (1 May 2024 - 30 April 2029), a reflection that our BID maintains a high level of business support and has organised major crowd-pulling town centre events to showcase our diverse range of businesses.
According to our independently collected footfall statistics, Hinckley Town Centre has done better than most to weather difficult 'retail' conditions. It has kept abreast of and utilised the latest information technology to enhance Hinckley's digital high street offer.
Our BID events have attracted over 100,000 additional visitors each year and rewarded them with superb entertainment and current and relevant information, utilising our excellent BID website, e-newsletters and social media to promote businesses and their offers through the FREE BID Loyalty card which now stands at over 15,000 issued.
We have also proactively advocated and lobbied on difficult issues, crucial to the smooth running of our town centre businesses, and we have developed great relationships with local partners, especially the Borough Council.
Ready to listen, inform and help find solutions, Hinckley BID is always available to its 400+ member businesses.
Without a BID, Hinckley Town Centre would certainly be at a competitive disadvantage. In fact, since 2009, the BID model had also been adopted by Loughborough, Melton Mowbray, Ashby de la Zouch and Leicester City centre.
Hinckley BID is a not-for-profit organisation which is administered by The Hinckley Town Centre Partnership Ltd (HTCP). Following is a list of the HTCP Board Members. All of these individuals kindly give their time freely and do not receive any form of remuneration..
Following is a list of the HTCP Board Members. All of these individuals kindly give their time freely and do not receive any form of remuneration.